Friday, July 19, 2013

Former Atlanta Brave Gary Eave Honors TTM Autograph Requests

BASTROP,  LA. — I began collecting baseball autographs through the mail three years ago.

Since then I have accumulated over 100 autographs and more on the way.

Former Atlanta Brave Gary Eave is the second quickest through the mail autograph request I have received and the strangest.

Like Willie Wilson, Eave's response was received in five days, second only to Kevin Gross’ four day response.

While most players sign just their name on a card and some add Bible verses or maybe add your name, Eave signs the card on the back and two times on the front.

The back is also dated and there is number on the top of the card.

There is also a triangle drawn on the face and some sort of scribble on the right of the card, almost like drawing a Groucho Marx face.

It is the most unique autograph I have received.

Eave played for the Atlanta Braves and Seattle Mariners in his three year career.

His Facebook page indicates he is currently emplyoyed by Orion Engineering Carbon.

He resides in Bastrop, Louisiana.
To contact Eave or others visit Logo

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